The Etiquette Of A Destination Wedding

Family, food, flights, location…(of course we hope it is at Hacienda Antigua ;] ) There are many things a couple think about when planning a destination wedding. But when asking other people to help or be a part of the wedding, what is the etiquette? Who pays for the wedding? How about the cost for the ring bearer?

Fortunately has put together a list of some of the most asked etiquette questions when it comes to destination wedding in a handy blog post. Click here to find the answers to your destination wedding questions.



Creative And Fun Ideas For Your Destination Wedding Save The Dates

Need a little inspiration for your destination inspired save the dates? When planning a destination wedding sometimes it can be difficult to find just the right save the date and invitation. To help overcome the creative block here are 8 awesome save the date ideas, brought to you by Destination Weddings Magazine

Click Here for 8 Destination Wedding Save The Date Design Ideas